Looking For Free Publicity? I Need Your Help!
I am developing a podcast for the web site “Finding Prescott”.
It will tell the stories of people who have moved to Prescott from out of state so that people who are considering moving here can learn from their experiences.
The target audience is people who are considering moving to Prescott. A secondary audience may be people who already live here, but want to know more about the place.
If you moved to Prescott from out of state, and would like to participate and tell your story, please fill out the form below.
I’ll email everyone who responds.
If your story is chosen, I’ll set up an interview with you that will be recorded, (audio only, no video). Parts of that interview might be used in the podcast itself.
Your real name will not be used, unless you want it be used. Only a first name or other identifier that you give us will be used.
If you are a real estate agent, I’ll give you full credit, your name, phone number, email address, web site, whatever you want.
Each episode will have it’s own episode page on this web site with written show notes. You will get full credit there also, including a link to your website.
If you are not a real estate agent, I will give credit to your real estate agent if you want to name them.
Your contact info is for our internal use only, and it will be kept private.
It looks like a lot of questions, but skip over any and all you don’t want to answer.
None of questions are required. You can leave any of them blank. We’ll talk later about your story.
You can “Save and Continue Later” if you don’t get it finished at one time. See the button at the bottom.
I’m just in the beginning development stage, so I’m not quite sure what I’ll get or what we’ll create.
If you’re up for an adventure and want to get some free publicity, then fill out the form below.
Thank you for your help and participation.
-Conrad Walton