I was there when county commissioners in Yavapai County, AZ considered a Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution.
It did not pass, for the right reasons.
This post will give you an idea of the political views about gun rights held by people who live in Prescott. Prescott, AZ is the largest city in Yavapai County, AZ. It’s the location of some of the County Offices.
The “Sanctuary Movement”
Apart from the Hunchback Of Notre Dame, the “sanctuary” movement started a few years ago. Liberal cities, counties, and states declared that they would not enforce laws concerning illegal immigrants. If the Federal Government passed an immigration law that they disagreed with, they would not enforce it or help the Federal agents who would.
Gun rights activists decided to use the same legal mechanism to ensure their rights were respected because there was the prospect of unconstitutional gun control laws being passed by various governing bodies.
The largest, and most visible, use of the Sanctuary Movement is in Virginia. A Democratic majority was elected to the state legislature and they promised to enact multiple laws to limit the rights of legal gun owners.
The reaction was to declare a majority of the counties in Virginia “2nd Amendment Sanctuaries”.
For more information on the “Sanctuary Movement”, see this web site: https://sanctuarycounties.com.
Yavapai County 2A Sanctuary Resolution
I had heard from various gun rights groups, random blog posts, and FaceBook, that the county supervisors were going to vote on a resolution to define Yavapai County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary county.
The resolution had already been presented in the Verde Valley county offices. At 8:30am, on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2020, they would open the doors in the Prescott offices to hear public comments.
I showed up about 8:30. The line was out the door and around the side of the building. Hundreds of people showed up. The temperature was in the 30s, but it was sunny.
I saw no opposition. Usually, we get people from both sides of an issue to show up to these meetings. Everyone I saw was obviously very pro gun rights.
The doors opened and the line moved forward about 50 feet, then stopped, and we waited.

2A Sanctuary Resolution outside line
Everyone was given a chance to speak, and the speaking went on for about 3 hours.
After hearing the public’s opinions on the resolution, they decide that the resolution, as it was written, was too weak. It didn’t really express the views of the people.
The Supervisors decided to table the resolution as written. They would go back to the lawyers and rewrite it. It would say more explicitly that Yavapai County will not enforce laws deemed unconstitutional, and will not help Federal agents who would enforce those laws.
Prescott Gun Culture
All of that, to say this. Most of the residents of Prescott, AZ, feel very strongly about gun rights.
If you are moving here from another state, you will meet with resistance if you support limiting people’s right to self defense, by limiting their rights to keep and bear arms.
You will see people around town openly carrying guns. It might be at a hardware store, a gas station, or grocery store.
Most people who carry a gun, conceal that gun. There are many people who carry concealed in Prescott, and you probably won’t even notice.
Welcome to Prescott, AZ, where “pro-choice” means you can choose any caliber you want. “Gun Control” means you can hit your target.
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Commissioners in Yavapai County, Arizona are holding off on a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution, after residents demanded stronger language than what the commissioners had originally offered.
Hundreds packed the Board of Supervisors chambers Thursday in Prescott, to voice their opinion on the matter. The meeting lasted about three hours, with those who wanted to speak given two minutes each to do so.
After hearing over 100 speakers at today’s meeting, many with the opinion that the current proclamation is not worded clearly enough, the board closed public comment and began discussion among themselves. Board Supervisor, Mary Mallory spoke up with a motion to table the proclamation stating “These people speak America and I cannot ignore America.” to which the members of the audience cheered loudly and applauded her comment.
Read the entire article at: https://bearingarms.com/
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Yavapai County UPDATE:
The unanimous votes by the boards of supervisors of La Paz County on Monday and Yavapai County on Wednesday follow a similar declaration by Mohave County supervisors on Nov. 4.
The Yavapai County board approved its resolution after previously hearing hours of testimony in December and January. About 120 people packed the meeting room and dozens more filled the lobby Wednesday as 25 people spoke in favor and three against, The Daily Courier reported.
Under the measures, the supervisors vowed to defend state and federal constitutional rights, including the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.
The measure also said the supervisors won’t spend public money or use other government resources to enforce laws that unconstitutionally infringe on gun rights.
Read the entire article at: www.fox10phoenix.com/
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